
Four Places You Can Cut Costs on your Next Commercial Building Project

Rare is the commercial building project with a bottomless budget. In the real world, most of us have to keep a close eye on costs and carefully manage any issues that can drive up expenses. If you aren’t worried at all about the cost of your commercial building project, this article is not for you. But if you’re like the rest of us, and eager to build within budget, we have some tips that may help. So let’s take a look at some effective ways to control your commercial project expenses and come within budget.

How to cut costs on your next commercial building project

1. Determine what you need to manage change orders

Nothing drives up costs on a project like change orders. You can reduce change orders by knowing your facility needs before you break ground and resisting the urge to modify your vision. Invest time during the design phase in internal programming with key staff to ensure that your new facility will meet the needs of your operation, considering projected growth in the future. After determining your facility needs, identifying the associated budget and commencing construction, stay the course. Changes after construction begins can increase the cost of your project.

2. Build when it’s most affordable

Timing is essential to controlling construction costs. According to psb-amarillo.com, “How To Save Money When Constructing a Commercial Building,” inclement weather can cause costly delays in your project. Constructing during periods of cold and/or wet will increase the cost of construction, so plan around these timeframes if possible. Seasonal demand can also have an impact on your project budget. Having plans and specs completed for final pricing early in the first quarter provides an opportunity to obtain vendor pricing before vendors are full for the upcoming building season. Timing your project for an autumn construction start may provide an opportunity to obtain favorable pricing from vendors seeking winter project work for their crews.

3. Carefully select materials

In “4 Ways to Keep Your Commercial Architecture Design Costs Down,” on www.billwarch.com, experts point out that material selection can drive up your commercial construction expenses significantly. By communicating with your designer the construction materials you prefer, you can manage this expense on the front end. If you opt to work with a design-builder, your design-build team will be able to balance design and construction costs during the design phase, so there won’t be any unwelcome surprises during the construction phase.

4. Play the long game

The need to control costs doesn’t end at the ribbon cutting. To realize long-term savings, you may want to consider sustainability, energy efficiency and longevity of the materials you select. Choosing high-efficiency mechanical equipment, electrical equipment and appliances can provide for energy savings that far offset the increased initial cost. Selecting high-quality, durable materials can provide for lower maintenance and/or replacement costs over the life your facility. Also, if you’re remodeling versus starting new construction, are there materials you can reuse? It’s an option to consider, according to “3 Ways to Keep Commercial Construction Costs Under Control,” on www.whirlwindsteel.com. Repurposing or reusing materials will cut down on the cost of materials you have to purchase new for the project. Sometimes going green saves green.

A design-build team can help you save on commercial construction

Cutting costs on your next commercial construction project can be challenging, but keep these four tips in mind for potential options. In the long run, it’s important that you have a commercial building that meets your business needs—so cutting costs should never mean sacrificing the well-being of your commercial endeavor. Consider working with a design-build firm, which can virtually eliminate change orders altogether. Because everyone is on the same team, the project is streamlined and communication is consistent and clear. In the end, when everyone is working together toward a shared goal, costs are better managed.